
Since 2012 our Company has provided the professional consulting services and cooperation for advising the international aviation & ground handling leaders in different projects in Macau and Asia, including the leading groups from Switzerland, France, Malaysia, and the Asian region for over 10 years.

國金董事們與 (Swissport) 瑞士國際空港服務有限公司的時任亞洲區高級副總裁 Mr. Toralf Sonntag 一行在2015年訪問 (CAM) 澳門國際機場專營股份有限公司執行委員會的時任主席鄧軍先生等主管人員。
GoldChess directors and the then Senior Vice President Mr. Toralf Sonntag of Swissport Asia had organized the courtesy visit to the then Executive Committee Chairman Dr. Deng Jun and management team of CAM Macau International Airport Co. Ltd.

GoldChess directors regularly attended the CAM special site visit trip for introducing the airport facilities and ground handling services hardware.

國金董事們與(WFS)法國環美航務集團商務主管 Mr. Barry Nassberg 及管理團隊訪問(CAM)澳門國際機場專營股份有限公司。
GoldChess directors and Group Chief Commercial Officer Mr. Barry Nassberg and the management team had organized the courtesy visit to CAM Macau International Airport Co. Ltd.

國金董事們和其受委托客戶公司,與(AirAsia)亞洲航空集團及其創辦人 Mr. Tony Fernandes 共同合作以研究參與澳門機場及航機地勤業務。
GoldChess directors with their engaged client company cooperated with AirAsia and their company founder Mr. Tony Fernandes for exploring the business of airport and ground handling services in Macau.

GoldChess director Mr. Danny Chau visited the AirAsia head quarter and ground handling control centre in KL Malaysia before the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19.

在2023年9月國金董事們再度應邀到訪亞洲航空澳門辦事處與亞航泰國公司執行主席 Mr. Tassapon Bijleveld,亞航集團旗下的航運物流公司Teleport的中國及港澳區總監劉小媛女士等交流粵港澳大灣區及亞洲區最新的航空業界情況,及共同探討今後的合作發展機遇。
In September 2023, GoldChess Directors were invited by Air Asia to visit again the Macau office and received by Executive Chairman Mr. Tassapon Bijleveld of Thai AirAsia Co., and Director & Country Head of China-HK-Macao Ms. Celia Lao of Teleport of Air Asia Group. Both sides shared their insights of  the aviation industry and market updates of China GBA and Asia region, and further explored the cooperation opportunities in coming future.

GoldChess President Mr. Patrick Chau, Director Mr. Danny Chau, Director Assistant & Deputy Supervisor (Research Team of Startup & Venture Investment) Mr. Lin Weiyuan were invited to visit the General Manager Mr. Daniel Tang of MBAC (Macau Business Aviation Center Ltd.) on 28th December 2023 for exchanged the market insights of the private jet industry and FBO services of Macau and international market.

GoldChess President Mr. Patrick Chau was invited as guest speaker for the 1st Macao GD-HK-Macao GBA Low Altitude Economy Seminar on 10th May 2024 at Macau University of Technology & Science in Macau. Mr. Chau also exchanged his views in the Seminar with Mr. Lei Si Tai, Executive Director of Executive Committee of Macau International Airport Company Limited. The Seminar was co-organized by MUST, the GBA Low-Altitude Economic Research Institute (Hong Kong), GBAA etc. And the Hong Kong session of Low Altitude Economy Seminar had been held in Hong Kong Polytechnic University in March 2024.